“I keep thinking of all the people who can benefit from this breakthrough. The science is solid, and studies show that the program works. The fact that we can do something to retain and enhance our powers of concentration, understanding, and memory is very exciting to me both professionally and personally.” - Horace B. Deets, former Executive Director of AARP
How We Think Changes as We Get Older
Can a Brain Injury Affect Your Vision?
New Brain Scan on Former NFL players Shows CTE
Aging and Cognitive Abilities
Alzheimer’s-related Study: Brain Training Upregulates Acetylcholine
Physical Fitness Associated with Brain Health
USF – Brain Training Can Help Keep Older Drivers on the Road
Watch: Virtual Reality Helps Diagnose Brain Trauma
Computerized brain training can help prevent dementia by 29-48%
Abstract: Speed of Processing Training Results in Lower Risk of Dementia, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions: Introduction Cognitive training improves cognitive performance and delays functional impairment, but its effects on dementia are not known. We