A study published this month reported on central nervous system symptoms seen in COVID cases, including issues involving the brain. The study is a review and meta-analysis, so their findings come from 64 different studies with a total of 11,687
2021 Central nervous system manifestations in COVID-19 patients. A systematic review and meta-analysis 2020 Cognitive impact of COVID-19. looking beyond the short term 2020 Neurological and neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19 in 153 patients. A UK-wide surveillance study 2020 Neurological manifestations
What is Cognitive Rehab?
Loss of memory or impairment of any cognitive function typically occurs due to a traumatic brain injury. However, it can occur due to Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, aging, and other denigrating factors. Cognitive rehab is often implemented to improve brain functioning,
Virtual Reality Testing for Brain Fitness- ABC news, Tampa Bay
CLEARWATER, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) – About 17 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury every year. It can be caused by a bump, blow or jolt. But the brain can also suffer when it’s not being used effectively, and now
Is Your Brain or a Loved One’s Brain Scrambled?!
Come see us to get your brain unscrambled! Our state-of-the-art equipment detects electrical signals, like the ones being scrambled in this video. Identifying problem areas helps us to determine how to “unscramble” your brain, and get it working as it
Pink Concussions 6
Staying current in brain injury and supporting our military and women! Click Here to read more about PINK 6 — Pink Concussions Program
Brain Training Can Help Older Adults Stay Sharp
(Read updated research on how brain training can help prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia here) Study proves that brain training improves processing speed, memory, and reasoning ability. According to a federally sponsored trial of almost 3,000 older adults, called the Advanced
Brain Training May Delay Dementia Onset for Years
If you’re intent on keeping dementia at bay, new research suggests you’ll need more than crossword puzzles, aerobic exercise and an active social life. In a study released Sunday, researchers found that older adults who did exercises to shore up
How We Think Changes as We Get Older
Memory, word finding, driving skills, fall risk reduction, brain processing speed, attention… we can help! Maintain your independence longer! Check Out our Video Here on Aging and Cognitive Abilities