Brain Fitness Centers of Florida (BFCF) is a dynamic, revolutionary organization that provides individualized cognitive rehabilitation programs developed from decades of research. Stephen L. Scranton, M.D., F.A.C.P., and his staff work with patients to improve their cognitive abilities, functional outcomes, and overall quality of life. Programs are tailored around each person’s needs and are based on the most advanced clinical techniques, combined with unique, medically-proven brain-training exercises.
After thorough assessment and evaluation, using state of the art equipment, Dr. Scranton interprets personalized results and reviews the findings with each potential candidate. He prescribes a customized neurocognitive (brain-training) program tailored to each individual’s needs, and extensive one-on-one coaching is provided by BFCF staff in a structured setting, ensuring optimal results. Progress is continually monitored, so that individual programs can be fine-tuned if necessary, in order to provide the best outcome.
At the end of the program, progress is again assessed, and Dr. Scranton reviews the results of testing and training with each patient. Periodic office visits with the doctor allow cognition to be monitored to ensure the best possible functional outcomes and quality of life.