What is a Brain Fitness Program?

Brain Fitness | Clearwater | Brain Fitness Center of FloridaBrain Fitness Centers of Florida (B.F.C.F) is a revolutionary program designed to increase cognitive ability. Developed from decades of research, Dr. Scranton and his team will create a curriculum uniquely tailored to your results. Furthermore, programs are based on some of the most advanced clinical techniques, and medically proven brain training exercises.

Are You a Good Candidate for Our Program?

There are many reasons for you to take an interest in improving your cognitive abilities. Some just want to feel sharper throughout the day or improve memory. Others may have suffered from a traumatic brain injury or are currently suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Regardless, brain fitness is just as necessary as physical health. Throughout our lives, we grow new brain cells, and practicing mental effort will stimulate this growth. If any of this sounds relevant to you, take the online test to find out where you’re performing cognitively.


Before new research, scientists believed the brain was “hard-wired”. This means if you experience brain disease or damage cells through trauma, there’s no way to get them back. Today we know now that this is not true. The brain can restructure based on usage and experience.

Neuroplasticity explains your brains’ ability to rewire itself, and this can happen for a few different reasons. For example, various studies have shown a structural change in the mind for individuals who learn a second language. People that speak two languages have more grey matter density. You can also find similar structural changes in people that play a musical instrument. Musician’s auditory complex can reshape through years of experience. This allows them to distinguish sequences of notes sooner than someone who doesn’t play an instrument.

Brain Puzzle | Clearwater | Brain Fitness Center of FloridaWay to Improve Everyday Brain Fitness

  1. Turn off your television – people spend an average of 4 hours a day watching t.v
  2. Tell good stories – This solidifies your memories and keeps them fresh
  3. Change your routines
  4. Acquire a new skill
  5. Read books that challenges you to learn and forces you to question what you read.
  6. A healthy body means a healthy mind – stay active! 30- 45 mins per week aerobic and anaerobic.
  7. Meditation, Yoga & Tai Chi
  8. Reduce stress, anxiety, post traumatic stress, social isolation, and address depression – these individuals are more likely to experience cognitive issues later in life

Contact Us!

Even if you aren’t suffering from injury or disease, you will benefit from the enhanced cognitive function. Our brain fitness programs allow a smoother approach to everyday life and improved memory. Serving residents of the Tampa Bay region. Call or text for an appointment today, 727-608-7378.

Brain Fitness Centers of Florida