Brain fitness programs for seniors can improve cognitive abilities at any age. While we can all have the occasional “senior moment” at any age, there’s no denying that the older we get, the more forgetful we become. If you find yourself forgetting your neighbor’s names, or getting lost in familiar areas, you may be experiencing cognitive decline.

It’s not a good feeling.

Many people who experience loss of memory feel frustrated, anxious, and tend to avoid social situations. Or they brush it off and stay in denial. Don’t let cognitive decline bring you down or stop you from living your best life! With Brain Fitness Centers of Florida, you can improve your cognitive abilities and aid in memory preservation.

Here’s How We Can Help:

When you visit us at Brain Fitness Centers of Florida, we’ll start with an assessment and consultation with the doctor. Your doctor will review the results with you and discuss existing issues and areas of improvement. This information will help us to create a comprehensive program designed specifically for you and your needs. We’ll focus on brain exercises, stress management, physical wellness, and nutrition. Training will take place over several weeks. This consistent practice will help to keep your brain sharp.

Here’s Who We Can Help

Brain Fitness for Seniors | Clearwater | Brain Fitness Center of Florida

At Brain Fitness Centers of Florida, we’ve worked with patients who have suffered:

  • Strokes
  • Operations
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • We also work with patients who have:
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Multiple Sclerosis/AutoImmune
  • General Dementia
  • Parkinson’s

We also help those with chemo brain, aging brain, and executive-level business persons under a great deal of stress, or are merely looking to improve their cognitive health.

How Do I Know When I Need a Brain Fitness Program for Seniors?

Cognitive decline can present itself at any time and at any age. Sure, sometimes, it’s just an absent-minded moment, but recurring absent-minded moments may be signs of a more significant issue. Our cognitive impairment rehabilitation program can help aid you with that decline.

Below is a list of warning signs of cognitive decline:

  • Does it take longer to complete simple tasks?
  • Forgetting important information you would
  • previously recalled easily
  • Difficulty remembering conversations
  • Is anxiety preventing you from doing things you normally enjoy?
  • Is word recall difficult?
  • Are you avoiding social encounters?
  • Do you worry about driving?
  • Do you get lost in familiar surroundings or misplace household objects?
  • Have you lost your ability to pay bills or balance your checkbook?
  • If you find yourself experiencing any of these warning signs, give us a call at (727) 608-7378. We’d be happy to schedule you for a neurocognitive assessment.

While we designed our brain fitness program for seniors with older patients in mind, there are many benefits of early neurocognitive assessments. As with all health, “early identification leads to early treatment.” This is why we recommend neurocognitive assessments before you experience the warning signs so you can take preventative measures. Neurocognitive assessments are just as necessary as regular cancer screenings and monitoring blood pressure.

How Will I Benefit?

Brain fitness programs for seniors is the best way to keep your brain sharp and preserve your memory. Your mental health is a fundamental part of life and critical to living independently, socializing, and maintaining overall health.

With the right program and regular practice, you will notice a difference in your:

  • Memory
  • Concentration
  • Decision making
  • Reaction time
  • Capacity to learn
  • Mobility and dexterity
  • Courage and confidence

Why Choose Us?

Brain Fitness Centers of Florida is supported by evidence-based studies, such as the Speed of Processing Training Results in Lower Risk of Dementia (Edwards et al., 2017). This study shows that a 29-48% reduction in dementia risk is demonstrated using the same computerized brain training program used by Brain Fitness. This is just one of approximately 250 evidence-based studies that support our rehab tools and methods.

We also have tons of positive testimonials from happy patients who’ve experienced the life-changing difference our program can make.

Do you want to gain confidence, continue to learn, maintain your independent lifestyle, improve your memory, better manage stress, or experience any of the other benefits of our brain fitness programs for seniors? If so, give us a call at (727) 608-7378 or contact us here on our website.

We have the tools, training, resources, and experience to help change your life for the better.

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