Cognitive Therapy | Safety Harbor | Brain Fitness Centers of Florida

The What is Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive therapy, now known as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or CBT a therapy offered at Brain Fitness Centers of Florida in North Pinellas County. CBT is based on the cognitive or “thinking” model of psychopathology. This model indicates that the way that we think and perceive situations is what affects our lives, rather than the situation itself having an effect.

Our understanding of human behavior is that our thoughts affect our emotions which in turn determine our actions or behaviors. If we think negative thoughts, they produce negative feelings and subsequently negative actions. Conversely, positive thoughts produce positive feelings and ultimately positive behavior.

CBT uses various techniques to identify and interrupt automatic negative thought patterns. The negative thoughts and underlying beliefs are evaluated for their validity. The aim is then to change or reframe the negative automatic thoughts in a positive and realistic way. Subsequently, this process influences positive productive behavior, leading to favorable outcomes and life experiences.

In our office, cognitive behavioral therapy is a short-term modality, that typically lasts weeks or a few months. CBT addresses issues the patient is presently dealing with. The focus, therefore, is on what is happening presently rather than reaching back into childhood experiences. Cognitive therapy helps the patient learn effective self-help tools and techniques useful for the purpose of changing thoughts, feelings, and behavior now.

Read Our Blog: What is Cognitive Rehab?

What to Expect When Beginning Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at Brain Fitness Centers of Florida

Cognitive behavior therapy is an action-oriented, hands-on, and practical approach. It is a partnership between patient and therapist, with the patient taking the lead. The patient decides what they would like to work on, and collaboration takes place in determining long term and incremental goals. The patient’s individual plan and experience will vary depending on the problems and stated goals.

To begin with, the patient creates a vision as a foundation from which to work. The process of creating a vision is working with the patient to determine what they want most in life and visualize what it would look, feel, and be like for them.

With the cognitive behavior therapist’s help, the patient to learn and develop skills that will help them in moving toward their personal vision of well-being. The patient sets incremental S.M.A.R.T. goals and progresses toward accomplishing them for the purpose of realizing their vision.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

  • Specific – Get clear on exactly what you would like to do
  • Measurable – Create a measurement for achievement of the goal; how many, how often, etc.
  • Attainable – Consider if this goal is reasonably attainable by you; know how or what steps you are to take
  • Realistic – Consider the about the amount of time, effort, skills, environment and other requirements necessary to achieve the goal
  • Time-bound – Set a realistic time frame; short enough to create a sense of urgency and discourage procrastination but long enough to realistically achieve the goal. It is alright to adjust the time-frame without guilt or shame.

Throughout the cognitive therapy process problems are identified, then negative thoughts are discovered, and invalid beliefs addressed. The patient’s thought patterns are reshaped, and new behaviors are learned and implemented. As therapists and patients work together, one or more techniques may be used for the purpose of creating a new way of thinking, feeling, and action.

Who Benefits From Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT has been shown effective for children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. A medical diagnosis from a licensed professional is not necessary to take part in a cognitive therapy therapy rehabilitation center, as a result, many issues and situations are addressed and improved with this process, for example:

  • Negative emotions
  • Stress
  • Anger
  • Grief

Interpersonal skills, such as:

  • Effective communication
  • Conflict management
  • Setting and holding boundaries

Many patients have found relief from physical health problems using CBT, notably tinnitus, sleep disorders, addiction and eating disorders. Chronic pain conditions such as migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and irritable bowel syndrome have effectively been treated using CBT.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is also used with other modalities and/or medication in managing symptoms of mental illness or disorders including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Cognitive Therapy at Brain Fitness Centers of Florida

When you choose Brain Fitness Centers of Florida, you will have a thorough assessment. Your therapist will create a custom plan for you. Through the use of cognitive behavioral therapy, you will learn processes that will allow you to move past the things that are holding you back whether physical, relational or mental so that you might live your best life.

For more information, call Brain Fitness Centers of Florida at 1-727-608-7378 today. Or contact us here.